Thursday, July 31, 2008

Role of Pitta Dhatu or The Consuming Factor of life on human body

Role of Pitta Dhatu or The Consuming Factor of life on human body
Ayurveda stands on Tridhatu Theory or three life factors which explains the working of living tissue.
This theory means that there are three basic elements of life which carry out metabolism of body.As long as they remain in normal state &in mutal harmony the body continous to be healty.It is some disorder that leads to disease.Ayurvedic treatments consists in restoring harmony among them.
The Pitta Dhatu -
The 2nd factor of life is called the consuming or catabolic factor of life. In Ayurveda it is called Agni that is iginis or pittam which means the fire of life.
This factor is responsible for the production of multitude of cellar enzymes which break down food materials into such simple compounds as can be utilised for synthesis of complex structure of the tissues and oxidized the waste materials arising within the tissues to such products as can easily be eliminated through excretory organs.
Heat resulting from this biochemical activity keeps the body warm &at the same time chemical energy released it contributes to the energy of the body.
Besides, keeping body warm the skin, the vision 7the intellect clear & produces such mental qualities as that of cheerfulness & bravery.
This factor of life is sustained mainly by activity &by such foods & drinks as are stimulating to metabolism. During the period of fasting & during the interval between meals it remains more active.
It is lack of Agni or predominance of the Growth factor that is more common cause of disease in 3/4th of all diseases. So Ayurveda lays more stress on keeping Agni intact. Charka says that a large no diseases arise from lack of Agni. Vagbhata also said that Unless Agni is weak no disease can arise. In the treatment of diseases Ayurveda lays more emphasis on the prevention of Agni of the patient. Again Ayurveda says that he who preserves the Agni saves the life of the patient.

31/7/08 Dr N. Virmani
Ayurvedic Consultant

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