Saturday, July 19, 2008

What happens when imbalance of Kapha Dhatu takes place

19/7/08 What happens when imbalance of Kapha Dhatu takes place When Kaphadhatu of any indivusal gets imbalanced then a no of symptoms appear which may very from person to person .Such as:- *Sneezing generally in the morning hours. *Cold-cough. *Polyurea in this a person cannot hold the pressure of urine & it genrally happens in evening hours. *Feeling of low grade fever but body temperature remains normal or below normal. *Weakness-bodyach.
If neglected this may lead to :- *Sinus
*Allargy generally with pollen grains etc.
*Asthma –Khas Swas or even
*Larangitis-Swarbhed or
*Whooping cough generaly in Pitta Pradhan persons
Finally may lead to:-
*Graying of hair
*mamory weakness means a person may be allart but generally things slips from mind as one can forget where he/she has kept files,keys orday to day things.
In some cases may even lead to:-
*Fibrosis of lungs
*Intestial lungs disorder (ILD) if associated with unfavorable circumstances.
Dr. N. Virmani

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