Saturday, August 2, 2008

What happens when imbalance of Pitta Dhatu takes place

What happens when imbalance of Pitta Dhatu takes place

Overactivity of the Agni causes a series of diseases which are called as Pittarogas.
It appears that when a tissue is injured physically or bacteriologically the Agni of the body is automatically activated by means of which Necrotic tissue is liquefied and a great amount of defensive substance is produced ,which neutralize the invading organisms. Thus excess of Agni serves the body by disposing of the dead tissue and by giving rise to the defensive substances.
All such diseases as are attended with acute or suppurative inflamation,rise of temperature and some destruction of blood come under the category of Pittarogas.
According to Ayurveda due to Pittarogas a no of signs & symptoms which are such as given below & can varies from person to person:-

*Acidity-Amalpit,Pain in epigestric region,Stomatitis
*Abdominal Pain, Incomplete evacuation,Gas ,dysentery,nausea,vomiting ,Irregular Bowel Syndrom etc
*Piles,Itching&pain while defecation ,Blood in stool,Fissure& Constipation
*Acne-Pimples,Ezema ,Rashes, Itching ,urticaria,Leucoderma-White patches on skin
If get neglected can be
*Obesity,Liver-Disorders,Chronic Fever,Blood-Sugar,Crampes&burning sensation in legs, Frequent urination,Burning sensation in urine,Albumin in urine giving Kidney Problems like Hydronephrosis& increased creatinine etc.

Dr .N. Virmani
2/8/08 Ayurvedic Consultant

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