Monday, July 21, 2008

Natural ways for prevention of Imbalance of kapha Dhatu

Natural Ways for prevention of Imbalance of Kapha Dhatu

When imbalance of Kapha Dhatu takes place,generally upper respiratory tract get infected.One can remain protected by taking certain precautions in ones life which are:-
*One should not start taking bath from head means starting with shower from head should be avoided.One should first ofall put wateron feet, then the middle part of body ,then on chest& in the last on head.
*By putting 1 to 2 drops of medicated almond oil or Anu Tailum or Shadhbindu Tailum in each noustril after bath or even at bed time.
*By steam inhealion with the help of 2 to 3 drops of elachi tailum or Amrit mix in steamer.
*Rubbing of a pinch of salt in ¼ tsf ghee or Amrit mix balm on chest.
* By doing gargles of salt/alum or best with kulanjan(root of Pan) to keep throat free from infection & is good for vocal cords.One can also have tea with a pinch of salt in it.
*One should avoid smoking &citric things.
*If one get suffered then there are a no of herbal remedies which acts as food drug &are free from metals &Bhasmas which can taken for a long time without any side effects or adverse effects on body in the supervision of any Ayurvedic Physician. These are :
*vasadi churana
*Kachuradi churana
*Sitopaladi churana
*Talisadi churana
*Lavangadi churana
*Amla churana
*Mixture of Gulbanksha,Dalchini. Giloy, Mulati, Gondkatri,Haldi, Brahmi&Vasa churana soaked in the seeds of Kheera, Tarbuja,Karbuja&Kadu which can be taken with honey orMalai orwith lukewarm water.
Dr. N. Virmani

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