Saturday, July 19, 2008

Role of Kapha Dhatu or The Growth on human body

Role of Kapha Dhatu or The Growth Factor on human body
Ayurveda stands on Tridhatu Theory or three life factors which explains the working of living tissue.
This theory means that there are three basic elements of life which carry out metabolism of body.As long as they remain in normal state &in mutal harmony the body continous to be healty.It is some disorder that leads to disease.Ayurvedic treatments consists in restoring harmony among them.
The Growth Factor_:_-
The 1st characterstic of a living tissue that attracts attention of an observer is its spontaneous growth. In fact ,every tissue of body is growing, multiplying,reproducing& renewing itself.

Cells secrete chemicals from their bodies &form surronuding ground in which they lie.The process of controlled growth continous as long as tissue lasts.Besides this the the tissue repairs itself.Whenever it is injured . It mange to defend itself by producing such defensivesubstances such as antibodies-properdin.opsonin,lysozyme etc.

In Ayurveda all these formative &defencive activities are considered to be the work of factor. Apart from Physical growth such qualities as couage,insight endurance,resistance to diseases,steadfastness,the signs of good growth are also results of this factor. This in Ayurveda is called Kapha or kaphadhatu which literally maens the water of life. It is alson called as slesma which means something that adds new matter to the tissue . . The Growth factor is sustained in its normal state by balanced food,containing all essentials ingrdientsin it&by proper rest &sleep. Cheerful state of mind also sustains it. Infact exhilaration promotes growth &retards the process of decay.
Dr. N.Virmani

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