Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Unique Ayurvedic Remedy for Skin Troubles

A Unique Ayurvedic Remedy for Skin Troubles
In Ayurveda Skin Diseases are caused when Agni of our body is either reduced or increased that is imbalance of Agni(Digestive Juices) imbalance of Kapha or Pitta Dosha .Body produces some toxic substances which our skin can not tolerates & causes Skin Infections. So one should avoid Pit-Kaph Karak food & decreased Agni should be aggravated by taking mild laxatives. One should avoid exposure to sun & spicy food
No doubt, it is difficult to get rid of skin diseases easily but if a person follows few diet restrictions along with ayurvedic remedies one can get rid of these problems forever.
There is a very simple herbal combination with which one can get rid of any kind of skin infection in which there is pus or inflammation as in Eczema, Psoriasis Impetigo, Acne Purities or Boils etc .
Combination is :-
Take Manjitha adi Kwath-10 mls
Neem Bark Kwath -10mls
Peepal Bark Kwath -10mls
Giloy Kwath -10mls
Drink this mixture of kwaths at least for one month & one can definitely get rid of incurable skin problems. One should keep it in mind that satisfactory results of Ayurvedic remedies depends only on purity & genuine herbs .Before taking herbal combination be sure these should be taken from Qualified Ayurvedacharya so that one can get proper herbs &results. I think this is not only Ayurveda but each system of medicine need purity.
Dr N. Virmani

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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