Friday, August 8, 2008

Remedy for Balancing of Vat -Kapha Dosha especilly for Gout-Cold- Cough

Simple Remedy For Balancing of Vat –Kapha Dosha especially for Gout –Cold –Cough

One can take VERDHAMAN PEPLI for 20 days will give relief from gout,cold,cough ,pains due to vataj dosha.

VERDHAMAN PEPLI- Take 3/5/7 Pepli( Piper Longam) depending upon your Bala (strength)everyday. Increase
Same no of pepli everyday for ten days .Then on 11th day start reducing in same manner as you started . On 20th day
You will again take the same no of pepli with which you started. By this way in twenty days this is VERDHAMAN Pepli.
One can take Pepli in the form of powder also.
Suppose you take 3 pepli on1st day,then take 6 pepli on 2nd day ,9 on 3rd day & so on
DR. N. Virmani
Ayurvedic Physician

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