Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Natural ways of balancing of PittaDhatu

Natural ways of balancing of PittaDhatu

As to the treatment of Pittarogas Ayurveda suggests giving of complete rest, administering of such foods &drinks as are light but nourishing &prescribing of such medicines as are supportive ,the objective being to fight against the invading organism & destroy them by producing the natural defences.Beside them , catharsis or promoting the detoxicating function of the liver also is considered to be helpful in the treatment of Pittarogas.

There are a no of herbal combinations which give relief in diseases due to imbalancing of PittaDhatu such as:-
*Samudariadi Powder
*Ravend Amritadi Powder
*Vasaadi Powder
*Kachuradi Powder
*Haritaki Powder
*Amaltas Extract
*Haritaki Jeeraadi Powder
*Darimashtakadi Powder
*Satpushadi Powder
*Lavangadi Powder
*Kutajaadi Powder
*Gondkatiriadi Powder
*Vijaya Haritaki adi powder
* A Decotion of Lodraadi herbs
*A Decotion of Makoyadi herbs
* A Decotion of Pitpapraadi –Nagermothaadi herbs
* A Decotion of Punernavadi herbs
* A Decotion of Gokaksuradi herbs

An Ayurvedic Physician can give a combination of herbs depending upon the condition of a person & results varies from person to person.
Dr . N. Virmani
Ayurvedic Physician

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