Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Unique Ayurvedic Remedy for Skin Troubles

A Unique Ayurvedic Remedy for Skin Troubles
In Ayurveda Skin Diseases are caused when Agni of our body is either reduced or increased that is imbalance of Agni(Digestive Juices) imbalance of Kapha or Pitta Dosha .Body produces some toxic substances which our skin can not tolerates & causes Skin Infections. So one should avoid Pit-Kaph Karak food & decreased Agni should be aggravated by taking mild laxatives. One should avoid exposure to sun & spicy food
No doubt, it is difficult to get rid of skin diseases easily but if a person follows few diet restrictions along with ayurvedic remedies one can get rid of these problems forever.
There is a very simple herbal combination with which one can get rid of any kind of skin infection in which there is pus or inflammation as in Eczema, Psoriasis Impetigo, Acne Purities or Boils etc .
Combination is :-
Take Manjitha adi Kwath-10 mls
Neem Bark Kwath -10mls
Peepal Bark Kwath -10mls
Giloy Kwath -10mls
Drink this mixture of kwaths at least for one month & one can definitely get rid of incurable skin problems. One should keep it in mind that satisfactory results of Ayurvedic remedies depends only on purity & genuine herbs .Before taking herbal combination be sure these should be taken from Qualified Ayurvedacharya so that one can get proper herbs &results. I think this is not only Ayurveda but each system of medicine need purity.
Dr N. Virmani

Friday, August 22, 2008

Are Pimples Disturbing You?-A Very sure & Pure Herbal Remedy To get Rid of These

Are Pimples Disturbing You?-A very sure & pure Herbal Remedy To get Rid of these

Just apply a pack which is prepared by mixing of a powder made with just 3 herbs –Lodra(Symptocoscrateagoids),
Vach(Acoras clammes) & Dania((Corinderum sativum).
Mix the powder of these three herbs in equal quantity .
Take 1 to 2 tsf of this pack & mix in water & apply it on face. Leave it for 20 to 25 minutes .Wash your face & see the change with regular application.
This remedy is for general Pimples Problem. Also try to avoid spices &oily food.
But if any one is suffering from severe problems ,then also consult any Ayurvedic or Family Physician for proper oral &local
Application .
Dr. N.Virmani
Ayurvedic Physician
Reg. No. Ba-7640

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Easy Herbal Home Remedies To fight with Obesity

Easy Herbal Home Remedies To fight with obesity

One can get ride of Obesity by following Simple Steps like by Keeping Active Whole day, Doing Light Yogic Exercises & A check On Input & Output of Calories . There are few simple home herbal Remedies which are mention in our Ayurvedic Texts can be taken by any one under the supervision of Any Qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner such as :-
*A Decotion Of Triphalla with Honey helps in reducing fat
* A Decotion Of Mahat Panch Mool (Roots Of Bel,Arnii, Sonapatta, Gambhari,&Padhal ) with Honey also helps in fight with extra fat.
* A simple Plane Water which is boiled & its quantity remains half ( plane water decotion ) mixed with honey also helps in
in controlling obesity.
These are few simple herbal remedies but if any body is suffering from obesity due to any disease or it is due to the side effects of any medication then one should take Customized Weight Management under any Consultant.

Dr. N. Virmani
Ayurvedic Consultant (Reg. No Ba -7640)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Remedy for Balancing of Vat -Kapha Dosha especilly for Gout-Cold- Cough

Simple Remedy For Balancing of Vat –Kapha Dosha especially for Gout –Cold –Cough

One can take VERDHAMAN PEPLI for 20 days will give relief from gout,cold,cough ,pains due to vataj dosha.

VERDHAMAN PEPLI- Take 3/5/7 Pepli( Piper Longam) depending upon your Bala (strength)everyday. Increase
Same no of pepli everyday for ten days .Then on 11th day start reducing in same manner as you started . On 20th day
You will again take the same no of pepli with which you started. By this way in twenty days this is VERDHAMAN Pepli.
One can take Pepli in the form of powder also.
Suppose you take 3 pepli on1st day,then take 6 pepli on 2nd day ,9 on 3rd day & so on
DR. N. Virmani
Ayurvedic Physician

This site & its services ,including the information on all the pages, are for information purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice , examination, diagnosis or treatment .Always seek the advice of your family Physician or other qualified professional before starting any new treatment or making any changes to existing treatment. Do not delay seeking or disregard medical advice based on information on this site. No health information on this site including information about herbal therapies ,dietary supplements or customized Ayurvedic packages ,is regulated or evaluated by the USFDA and therefore the information should not be used to diagnose ,treat ,cure or prevent any disease without the supervision of a medical doctor .Your visit to this site or any order that you place for a healthcare service or package will be taken as your conscious decision with full understanding &implications of using Ayurveda . No legal disputes ,whatsoever ,will be entertained as you send your submission ,order services or packages or transact on this site.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Natural ways of balancing of PittaDhatu

Natural ways of balancing of PittaDhatu

As to the treatment of Pittarogas Ayurveda suggests giving of complete rest, administering of such foods &drinks as are light but nourishing &prescribing of such medicines as are supportive ,the objective being to fight against the invading organism & destroy them by producing the natural defences.Beside them , catharsis or promoting the detoxicating function of the liver also is considered to be helpful in the treatment of Pittarogas.

There are a no of herbal combinations which give relief in diseases due to imbalancing of PittaDhatu such as:-
*Samudariadi Powder
*Ravend Amritadi Powder
*Vasaadi Powder
*Kachuradi Powder
*Haritaki Powder
*Amaltas Extract
*Haritaki Jeeraadi Powder
*Darimashtakadi Powder
*Satpushadi Powder
*Lavangadi Powder
*Kutajaadi Powder
*Gondkatiriadi Powder
*Vijaya Haritaki adi powder
* A Decotion of Lodraadi herbs
*A Decotion of Makoyadi herbs
* A Decotion of Pitpapraadi –Nagermothaadi herbs
* A Decotion of Punernavadi herbs
* A Decotion of Gokaksuradi herbs

An Ayurvedic Physician can give a combination of herbs depending upon the condition of a person & results varies from person to person.
Dr . N. Virmani
Ayurvedic Physician

This site & its services ,including the information on all the pages, are for information purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice , examination, diagnosis or treatment .Always seek the advice of your family Physician or other qualified professional before starting any new treatment or making any changes to existing treatment. Do not delay seeking or disregard medical advice based on information on this site. No health information on this site including information about herbal therapies ,dietary supplements or customized Ayurvedic packages ,is regulated or evaluated by the USFDA and therefore the information should not be used to diagnose ,treat ,cure or prevent any disease without the supervision of a medical doctor .Your visit to this site or any order that you place for a healthcare service or package will be taken as your conscious decision with full understanding &implications of using Ayurveda . No legal disputes ,whatsoever ,will be entertained as you send your submission ,order services or packages or transact on this site.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

What happens when imbalance of Pitta Dhatu takes place

What happens when imbalance of Pitta Dhatu takes place

Overactivity of the Agni causes a series of diseases which are called as Pittarogas.
It appears that when a tissue is injured physically or bacteriologically the Agni of the body is automatically activated by means of which Necrotic tissue is liquefied and a great amount of defensive substance is produced ,which neutralize the invading organisms. Thus excess of Agni serves the body by disposing of the dead tissue and by giving rise to the defensive substances.
All such diseases as are attended with acute or suppurative inflamation,rise of temperature and some destruction of blood come under the category of Pittarogas.
According to Ayurveda due to Pittarogas a no of signs & symptoms which are such as given below & can varies from person to person:-

*Acidity-Amalpit,Pain in epigestric region,Stomatitis
*Abdominal Pain, Incomplete evacuation,Gas ,dysentery,nausea,vomiting ,Irregular Bowel Syndrom etc
*Piles,Itching&pain while defecation ,Blood in stool,Fissure& Constipation
*Acne-Pimples,Ezema ,Rashes, Itching ,urticaria,Leucoderma-White patches on skin
If get neglected can be
*Obesity,Liver-Disorders,Chronic Fever,Blood-Sugar,Crampes&burning sensation in legs, Frequent urination,Burning sensation in urine,Albumin in urine giving Kidney Problems like Hydronephrosis& increased creatinine etc.

Dr .N. Virmani
2/8/08 Ayurvedic Consultant