Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

ayurveda treatments

Diet-Chart According To Dr N Virmani

Early Morning- Take 100ml of water,boil it till it remains half, when it become luke warm,add lemon juice2 tsf and1TSF honey ,Drink it Or

1 Green Coconut water, Or

1 Cup tea without sugar

Breakfast- Skimmed Milk or Tea without sugar
2 slice of brown bread +60 gms of cheese/2 eggs perferably without yok,(these can be taken as sandwitch )

Lunch-(If possible) Curd-1 Katori( 150 Gms)
Salad –1 big Helping(in the form of fruits& vegetables)
Sprouts/Roasted grams

Evening Tea- 1Cup Tea(without sugar+2 salty/marie Biscuits)

Dinner- Wheat Flour-60 Gms(2-3 Chapaties) OR

60 Gms Rice

Dal- 30Gms (1 Katori)
Leafy Vegetables-200Gms
125 gms Chicken/Fish
salad-1 big Helping(in the form of fruits& vegetables)
(can add fruits like orange,apple,pappaya,melon,)

If you like can have- 200ml skimmed milk.

If possible mix wheat flour +soyabeen/ black gram + Jaun in the ratio of 4:1:1

Also do a regular excrise of 45 minutes in in the form of walking /yoga /Gim.
With Regards Dr N. Virmani.
Ph – 09311238054